You are U N I Q U E L Y C R E A T E D :)
You weren't meant to look like or be like any other. Hence why you don't share the same fingerprints as any other human roaming this earth.
At times in our society, "beauty" can seem so superficial, but it really is so deep.
The anchor of beauty and what it's rooted in which is being unique. So dare to be yourself and let your light shine.
Wrap your arms around your uniqueness, in your differences. And let go of societies perfection. The light that only you have to shine is needed. If you're focusing on how others see your light, you will miss out on focusing on the power of your light, which no one else has.
I was inspired to add the Uniquely Beautiful designs to our Beauty Billionaires™ Boutique collection after writing this. I hope you love them.
Get yours here! Tag us @BeautyBillionaires. We would love to see how you rock them with your unique style!

One of my favorite verses that personally keeps me grounded when I second-guess myself is - You are all together beautiful my love, there is no flaw in you. Song of Solomon 4:7. We all have our down moments, but it's all in the tools you use to bounce back! I hope this brings you a smile :)
Sending SO much love to you,
xo Canicka